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Weekly: Tuesdays with Sokukoji Buddhist Temple Monastery

Meditation and discussion lead by monks from the Sokukoji Buddhist Temple Monastery. Every Tuesday evening.

 Also, on the first Tuesday of each month, Meditation, Dharma talk and question and answer session with Sokukoji Abbot Sokuzan gives a dharma talk and question and answer session following mediation. Individual meetings (dokusan) with Sokuzan are also available on these nights. In December, Sokuzan will visit the second Tuesday—Dec 10—because Sokukoji Monastery will be in retreat Dec 1-8. (Contact the monastery if you are interested in attending all or part of the retreat.)

 Fee: Free, but dana (donation) in support of Sokukoji Monastery welcome.

In the Dharma Studio, Suite 340, 1111 Godfrey, Grand Rapids, MI.