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Introduction to Dharma Art

Introduction to Dharma Art

Introduction to Dharma Art

NOTE: This class is offered, with slight variations, in both July and September. Free free to take one or both if you like.

Dharma art is a way of exploring awareness through creativity. In studying art and awareness, we are studying something fundamental—the nature of self and reality. This workshop is an introduction to creative practice and meditative awareness, for anyone who wishes to develop their creative potential, or their Buddhist practice in new ways.

In this class, you will not be learning a specific art skill or practice, and no skill or art experience is required.   You will not learn how to ‘do’ any specific art thing at all.  Rather, we will turn our attention toward the creative process itself, and dropping all goals and ideas about what art is or how to ‘be’ an artist, we will practice opening our awareness to that silent and wide space that is the creative source— and begin to act, make, and express, from that place.   Join us for this playful exploration of meditation and creativity.

Art materials provided. Dress for comfort and a little messiness. Bring your lunch for a mid day break.

“One way that our spiritual power begins to manifest is through the emergence of the intuitive aspect of our consciousness. This is one of the reasons why Zen and creativity are so intimately linked. Creativity is…an expression of our intuitive aspect.  Getting in touch with our intuition helps us to enter the flow of life, of a universe that is in a constant state of becoming.  When we tap into our intuition, whether in our art or simply in the day to day activities of our lives, we feel a part of this creative continuum.…Single pointed concentration develops our intuition. We becomes more directly aware of the world. We notice in ways that are not clearly understood, but are very accurate.” ~John Daido Loori, The Zen of Creativity

To register, or if you have questions, email Lianghua Su Jill Eggers at:, with any questions, or to register. $15 suggested donation helps support the Dharma Studio and pay for supplies. Class size is limited so please register to hold a place!