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Opening the Mind Eye: A Dharmic Approach to Art. June 18, 2022

UPDATE: This retreat is now full. If you would like to be on the wait list, please email

When we come into a museum or gallery space we are often not really open to what is there. When our preconceptions and opinions get in the way of direct perception our world is compromised and we miss the incredible power and delicacy of this visual dimension that is arising in front of us moment by moment.

Through group practice, open interviews with the teacher, and rousing exercises that ask us to investigate our conceptual compartmentalization of our sense-consciousnesses, we can cut through our tendency to pre-judge what is right under our noses and see, even participate in, the creation itself.

This program is ideal for artists who feel stuck, unstuck artists who wonder what’s next, and for “non-artists” who yearn to express themselves creatively. Participants are also heartily encouraged to share their work with the group whatever the medium or discipline.

Teacher: Kyoun Sokuzan, Abbot of Sokukoji Buddhist Temple Monastery, from Battle Creek, MI, brings to the Dharma Studio a one day workshop that he teaches regularly the NYC Shambala Meditation Center and the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Closely linked to the Dharma Studio art practices, this workshop invites one to practice bare awareness in relating with visual art. Time to be announced. Please contact the Dharma Studio with any questions.