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This year at the Dharma Studio

What does it mean to be utterly emotionally alive?  The theme for the upcoming practice year in the Dharma Studio is “Emotions as Path”. In Tibetan Buddhist traditions, the emotions are embraced as a rich and profound opportunity for awakening.  They are the very rich ground that invite us to grow and develop in understanding our own enlightened nature.  This fall and winter we will work with these ideas, culminating in a four day retreat in March.  Through art making, meditation, and teachings, in the coming practice year we will explore the power of emotions on the Buddhist path, to open to our full human experience, and our naturally powerful capacity for compassion.  We will learn to “dance in the vastness of the open dimension of experience.”*.

Each class in the schedule can be taken as a stand-alone class—you can jump in to any of them and be able to connect to some value in the practice.  But they also interrelate and build on one another, so they will be more meaningful if taken as a series.  For those who plan to attend the Oxbow retreat in March, these classes will provide depth and background that will deepen the retreat experience.  I strongly recommend participation in 1-2 workshops prior to the retreat. 

 In addition to the classes listed on the site, there will regular postings of related readings, art practice challenges, and journal prompts, to sustain and deepen your practice in between sessions.  These will be posted on the website, as well as the Unadorned Lotus Dharma Studio Facebook page.   

Registration and other details:
To register for any class, workshop, or retreat, please email  Preregistration is accepted at this time for all of the classes below.  (Pre-registration holds your space; a few weeks before each session you will be asked to confirm or pass your space on to another person on the waiting list.). There is a suggested donation for each class, payable at the start of each class unless otherwise specified.  (The retreat will require a deposit in January.)  If money is tight please ask; don’t let finances prevent you from attending classes.

·      All proceeds go in support of the Dharma Studio; the teachers at the Dharma Studio receive no pay for their teaching. 

·      All Dharma Studio classes are limited to 14 participants. 

·      All participants are required to be fully vaccinated and boosted.  Current COVID recommendations for health and safety will be followed.